June 10, 2012

Rainbow Glitter Galoreeeeeee!

Hey Ladiessss!!
Im finally done school & im ready to get back into a solid blogging routine.
This post I planned to do a LONG time ago & I just never got around to doing it.
Today  I have basically battle of the Rainbow Glitters. & as most of you ladies know
I am obsessed with glitter, ahaha just love it! So even though I knew all three of these
polishes that I am comparing to eachother were identical & D.O.D (dead on dupes)
of eachother, I just couldnt say no, so of course I bought them all.

So today I have for you OPI - Rainbow Connection from the Muppets Collection.
NOPI - Rainbow in the S-Kylie from the Kardashian Collection & Deborah Lippmanns
Happy Birthday, which I am pretty sure is the only one here, that is actually permanent &
of course its definately the most expensive one.. isnt that just always the way.

uhm, Yes please. how gorgeous is this picture?

I used 4 coats of each to achieve maximum opacity, there were still a few
bald spots but over all these polishes are super easy to work with because
the bottles are all JAM packed with glitter! The annoying part is getting glitter
off, so I used the foil method, which is just a god send when it comes to
removing glitter polishes, if you dont know what the foil method is its basically
just wrapping your finger in a cotton pad & then in tin foil & letting the glitter
get soaked off by the nailpolish remover, it works AMAZINGLY.

So as you can see by these pictures, these polishes are actually identical.
If you have one, you do not need to be crazy like me & get all three ahaha :|
I think the only way you would be able to tell if they were different is taking a 
microscope & comparing the amount of certain colors in each bottle, because
some have more yellow, or pink, or green, but thats just probably the way
they were mixed. 
Anyways ladies, thats pretty much all I have for you today :D

Make sure you follow me on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest; all of these links
are on the top tabs of my blog & lets not forget INSTAGRAM
which I am actually obsessed with, I like to think im a photographer haha.
my instagram user name is polishandiamond :D im planning a nailpolish
contest that I will be hosting on my instagram so make sure you follow me
the prizes are going to be pretty epic!!!!!!!

Thanks for visiting!
